Butterfly Garden

Butterfly Garden

Friday, March 21, 2008

The Beginning of a New Day

My hibernation is over. Like a sleepy mama bear, I have shook off my winter's sleep and joined the living. Flu, colds, headaches, and middle-aged aches and pains be gone! As Ghandi liked to say, "Be the change you want to see in the world" or something like that. The point being, it starts with you (or me)whatever shoe fits.

I am sitting here at home having my first day off of my spring break. It happens to be Good Friday and the official first whole day of spring and I am watching a snow storm covering my budding daffodils. We are supposed to get about nine inches by Saturday. Isn't life an amazing experience?

Someone replied to my weather update of a major snowfall coming my way by laughing and saying, "Yeah, and they say we have global warming". Although, I dearly love this person I was aghast by this statement. Hellooooo! Spring snow storms happen a lot, but the extreme weather patterns we are experiencing are a sign of the times. We are hurting our planet big time and until we recognize this truth there will be far more to come. We can count on that!

The good news is that I do not have to be back at work until March 31st. The not-so-good news (I am learning not to state negatives)- I have no money to do anything with my free time. So, I am being forced to work on myself Spring is a time for new beginnings. I will keep you posted how that goes. Until next time...