Butterfly Garden

Butterfly Garden

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Okay, once again I was up until after 3am wrapping, separating, and organizing all the purchases I made in the last 24 yours. Ever since, Mike and I were married(December 26th), shopping for the holidays have been a chaotic,marathon with last minute dashes to find just the right present in my budget.
In the early years, the last paycheck before Christmas was the budget, but now it is not necessity- more habit. The good thing about that time of wrapping after candlelight service is putting in one afte another movie classic to keep me company during the wee hours. This year the original Bishop's Wife and Holiday Inn. I finally had to order them, because even though there are hundreds of channels on cable- none play those movies anymore. Heck, not even the Christmas Carol or It's a Wonderful Life! What is up with that???
Anyway, the gifts are open and a calm is settling into the day. It is just enjoying the time with friends and family, basking in the warmth of those I love. It really is the best feeling.
Gifts are just a small part of what Christmas is all about. When raising the kids, that thought sometimes became a bit clouded with the search for that favorite toy...the Cabbage Patch year was the worst!
Take time, at least today to count your blessings, and that includes the people around you. Life is good, not always easy, but there is plenty of love to smooth those rough spots that come up. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to you and yours!! Until next time....