Of course with any major event that is experienced in our lives, we look back and think about what we were doing when it took place. With Sunday’s remembrances for 9/11, I looked at what I was doing and where my life was when I heard for the first time of the plane crashing into Tower One of the World Trade Center. The names read, the six moments of silence, touching music, and the eloquent words spoken by leaders both present and past touched my heart deeply.
Just ten years ago, I watched with others to see our lives changing irrevocably and forever. Our contentment and nonchalance that violence was not going to touch America and the fear of terrorism, war, or that the threat of fanatics taking away our security on home turf was no longer a distant thought. The Towers being attacked, the Pentagon in flames, the heroes going down in Pennsylvania, the last Tower falling, and the death toll climbing brought us together in solidarity, pain, and patriotism.
We have learned a lot in the last ten years. The tributes both nationally and locally on Sunday have once again allowed me to remember what has been lost, endured, and treasured in my life. Listening to how survivors or the loved ones of the almost 3000 people, who perished that day, have coped and subsequently moved on in their lives was so moving. The children and grandchildren born after the tragedy give me hope for a better future for all of us. Those victims are in our memories with each smile or mannerism repeated through the generations to come.
The realization of unbearable loss of those people who died are multiplied by the first responders who gave their all, and the ones lost in the subsequent war on terrorism ripple in our public consciousness like the memorial pool at Ground Zero
Seeing our nation, mourning their deaths, yet celebrating their lives and heroics- humbles me. We truly will not forget that Tuesday, ten years ago and hopefully the recollections from that awful day will keep us strong, focused, and dedicated to the freedom we all deserve.