Butterfly Garden

Butterfly Garden

Sunday, November 11, 2007

"They" are driving me crazy!

Here we are in that wonderful gap of time between Halloween and Thanksgiving which should be the culmination of harvest time. Autumn has reached its peak of perfection and just a little bit more. The leaves have dropped their colors and the nip in the air has finally taken hold.

We are really lucky the temperatures have been mild for this time of year. I remember in the early 90s a cold wave that knocked me for a loop. Below zero temperatures while shopping for Thanksgiving dinner that rivaled any January hard freeze. Yep, this is a great fall. We have a lot to be grateful for, despite the world's problems.

So, much to my disappointment, while shopping for Halloween candy at the last minute, I spied shelves almost empty because they were setting up Christmas items already. Now, in my neck of the woods trick or treat hours are on the Sunday before Halloween, so this was on the October 27th. What's up with that?! Fall decorations were already reduced and shoved on the end caps like yesterday's news; replaced with holiday red and green everywhere.

Driving home from a meeting the next evening or so, I switched on the radio to hear Delilah, a DJ who takes requests, gives advice, and pretty much rambles about whatever she pleases after 7pm. I have been hooked on her for years and can usually find her in any part of the country I am in at the time. The first song to air after some commentary was "Let it Snow".

Sure enough my favorite easy listening station promptly started their 24/7 holiday rotation on November 1st and that means Delilah even plays only holiday music. I took a stand last year that as much as I like the station, I will not listen to it until the day after Thanksgiving. It makes me cranky, but it is the principle of the thing. Starting that Friday, I am all over those Christmas carols and holiday tunes. For the month before, CDs only.

What is wrong with our society? Could we just live in the moment for a change? We are so fixated on the future, we take no time to enjoy the present moment. Whatever happened to trick or treating on Halloween, celebrating Thanksgiving as a holiday of its own, taking the time to savor the seasons while in them, and then enjoying the Christmas holidays through New Year's Day without seeing Valentine's Day goods hovering around the corner before my Christmas tree even comes down?

I was in neighboring Libertyville when they were putting the garlands around the lamp posts on Milwaukee Avenue almost two weeks ago. The public works people were working right next to the banners with the fall leaves on them. I have to say it looked stupid to see the two competing with each other down the center of town and both looked out of place.

I am not sure who "They" are when sharing my thoughts on this crazy practice, but I do know "They" better watch out when I do find out who is dictating this course of events that seems to get earlier and earlier every year.

I believe the secret to enjoying life is being aware of the NOW, releasing the past as the past, and letting the future take care of itself. Yep, that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. Until next time...

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