Butterfly Garden

Butterfly Garden

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Can't We Just Vote on It?

Would it be so terrible when this nation is faced with a pressing issue that may affect life as we know it, that we just get out and vote on the option at hand? There are polls to analyze polls and political commentators all over the news telling us what we think and how we should think.It is just getting really old.
Take our first ever health care bill to be signed into law recently. Wouldn't it have been much easier to just poll the American people and see what they really wanted? Don't get me wrong- I was for the legislation, but I grew weary trying to sort out all the political maneuvering going on in this constituent's name. Even a straw poll would have given a real voice to the voters and isn't that what we really want?
I know we voted these politicians into office, yet something happens once they get in the fray that really worries me. Special interests, political alliances, and bargaining for their little piece of the pie becomes more important than the people back home. They are our representatives or are they? I sometimes wonder what happens to those statesmen when they get the party call to unite.
So, would it really be so bad if we really did a vote on these big issues and then have the legislature hammer out the details? How easy would have been if they knew right away that regardless of the party line- the citizens of this country wanted health insurance to be available for everyone? Then they could have dealt with that alone without tagging all the other stuff that came along with the bill to get it passed.
I am sure there are other topics that could benefit from a nice clear vote with majority rules. Education, War, outsourcing jobs, immigration laws, and what about dare I say- bailing out Wall Street ever again??? Yep, let's vote on it!
Until next time...

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