Butterfly Garden

Butterfly Garden

Saturday, April 14, 2007

It's Spring and Times Are A Changin'

The season of renewal is upon us and being the time of my birth many, many moons ago, it is also when I take stock of those many moons. Imagining myself or anyone else as a work in progress is far more beneficial than believing that we are a sum of our mistakes, don't ya think?

So, I am still fine-tuning the woman that I am and looking for more ways to improve this model as this side of the world is renewing itself. Following this vein of thought, I have been reading a lot of books on improving myself personally and how I can share those changes with the world at large.

Not to be misconstrued that I have the power to change the world alone, but by me becoming a better person it can make a difference in some small way. If more people would feel the same, we might have a chance to turnaround some of the scary trends that pervade society as we know it. I feel better thinking life is a learning experience and that each lesson learned is a chance to make that life better for everyone we touch.

I am reading one of Marianne Williamson's books and find it much more enlightening than I ever imagined. Talk about not judging a book by its cover! It could be taken in a figurative sense as well as literally. She is much more of an activist than I had originally guessed from the media blurbs I've read. I thought of her being an evangelist of sorts and much more conservative and was pleasantly surprised that she really is so much more.

I am captivated when reading about entwining a personal spiritual journey with our global concerns and how each person is responsible for where we are today. She is heading an initiative for the Federal Government to create a Department of Peace. This may sound a bit New Age to some, but after some consideration- I say why not? Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing to know that the United States of America was truly aligned with the belief that Peace is what we should be fighting for and not some piece of sand in the Middle East?

Believing that the world would be much better if Peace, rather than war, was our modus operandi does not sound so far-fetched. The terrorists are trying to convince us that they are on the right-side of their God and they will do anything it takes to force their hand. How about if we allow them to do what they will on their side of the Earth?

We can work on renewing our spirit by healing what we need to heal- spiritually, economically, and in our own government for our own people. Until next time...