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Butterfly Garden

Friday, January 30, 2015

Should She Stay or Should She Go- Liz Biondi Should Resign

Update- Liz Biondi did show up at the January board meeting for Warren Township High School with little or no remorse. Once again the public blasted her for comments on the hiring of a new superintendent and was asked again to resign. When it was time for her to speak, she did not apologize or explain her actions. She rambled on about other issues and was cut-off after her three minute limit was reached. Clueless, she is an embarrassment to our community and District 121.

Living in Lake County- Controversial School Board Member

Odie Pahl

Last Tuesday night I attended a school board meeting in Gurnee. I admit I no longer attend meetings at Warren Township High School District 121 on a regular basis. My children are adults and I have so many things going on in my busy life. Unfortunately, I am here to tell you, when you put off civic responsibilities and assume others will take care of business for you, you are asking for trouble. I’m talking about Liz Biondi.

Liz Biondi was elected to Warren’s board by 31 write-in votes in April, 2013. Hardly, a rousing endorsement from the community, but she did capture the majority of votes and won her spot fair and square. The problem with having such a poor voter turnout is; the community has not actually done its job. We took for granted our right to decide and we are paying the price. Liz Biondi, school board member, is the end result.

Earlier in December, Warren’s board met to discuss the search for a new superintendent, since the current one was retiring at the end of the 2014-2015 school year.  This is sad news for D121 because they have had a great one. This is not only my opinion, but general consensus. At that meeting, apparently Biondi chose to express her opinion on having a gay or lesbian superintendent when additional input was requested from the members.

Biondi expressed concerned with the personal fires that someone with that background would be putting out rather than dealing with superintendent fires. I was not there to hear those comments, but let me assure you her opinion spread like the wildfire. She was denounced quite publically in the media, across the Internet, and in private conversations. A petition was started drawing close to 3000 signatures condemning her comments and requesting her resignation.

On December 16th, without Biondi in attendance, the community did what we should have done in the first place and told the school board what we thought. Private Citizens, concerned past and present parents of Warren students, local politicians, teachers, village trustees, and the students themselves spoke quite eloquently on Biondi’s lack of moral judgment and asking for her resignation. Not one person came to her defense. Biondi was told quite frankly through this public forum that she was alone in her personal views.

At this time, Biondi has refused to resign. The resolution presented by the school board passed by a 5-0 vote. It left no doubt that Biondi’s opinions were her own. She certainly does not represent the people of Warren Township who stood up to her at that board meeting.

The fact of the matter is Biondi is not well-liked in her position. She’s known to be antagonistic and contrary at most meetings. However, until she stepped over-the-line with her comments, both legally and morally, she had every right to do so as a rightfully elected member of District 121. Hopefully, the powers-that-be will fix this mistake for us. Next election, I will pay attention.

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